Creating NFT Trading Cards Checklist

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Create an NFT trading card on

Here’s a checklist to help you create an NFT trading card on Checkout this page to help with gathering assets for your new NFT Trading Card.

1. Conceptualization

  • Theme and Concept: Define the overall theme or concept for the trading card (e.g., sports, music, actor, influencer, fantasy, etc.).
  • Character or Subject: Identify the main character, figure, or subject of the card.
  • Purpose: Clarify the card’s purpose (sales, charity, promotional, etc.).

2. Digital Assets

  • High-Resolution Image: Create or obtain a high-resolution image for the card. This could be artwork, a photograph, or digital rendering. An image removed from its background will give you more design opportunities. By removing the subject (athlete) from the background it will allow you to add any background image and give you more control of the final rendering.
  • Tip: 1024×1024 pixels or higher is a recommended size.
  • Additional Visuals: Consider adding additional images or visual elements like logos, borders, or backgrounds.

3. Metadata and Information

  • Name/Title: Choose a name or title for the card.
  • Stats/Attributes: Include any relevant statistics or attributes (e.g., strength, speed, rarity level, etc.).
  • Bio/Description: Write a brief bio or description of the character, subject, or context of the card.
  • Unique Identifier: Assign a unique identifier or serial number to the card for distinction.

4. Legal and Rights

  • NIL Rights (If Applicable): Ensure that Name, Image, and Likeness (NIL) rights are secured if the card features a real person.
  • Licensing Agreements: Verify any necessary licenses or agreements, particularly if using third-party intellectual property.

5. Technical Specifications

  • File Format: Ensure the image or video is in an acceptable file format (e.g., PNG, JPEG, GIF for images; MP4 for videos).
  • File Size: Verify that the file size complies with platform limits (under 50MB).

6. NFT Platform Requirements

  • Account Setup: Ensure you have an account on
  • Digital Wallet: Set up and connect a digital wallet (e.g., MetaMask) for transactions.
  • Gas Fees: Be prepared to cover any gas fees for minting the NFT. Gas fees are generated by the blockchain and you will need to agree to the fee once the card goes up for sale in your MetaMask wallet.
  • Platform-Specific Fields: Complete any platform-specific fields required during the NFT creation process.

7. Marketing and Promotion

  • Social Media Content: Prepare promotional content for social media (e.g., teaser images, videos, hashtags).
  • Website/Portfolio: Update your website or online portfolio with the new NFT trading card.
  • Press Release (Optional): Write and distribute a press release to announce the new card.

8. Minting and Launch

  • Minting Process: Follow the platform’s process to mint the NFT.
  • Listing Price: Set an initial listing price or auction details.
  • Launch Date and Time: Choose a launch date and time, and schedule promotional activities accordingly.

9. Post-Launch Activities

  • Engagement: Engage with your audience and buyers, respond to inquiries, and promote the NFT across channels.
  • Secondary Market: Monitor secondary market activity and adjust marketing efforts as needed.

This checklist covers the essentials for creating an NFT trading card on

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