The NFT creation process

You can use to archive videos and photos by integrating them as part of the NFT creation process. Here’s how you set it up:

  1. Upload Videos and Photos: When users create their custom NFT trading cards using the platform’s card creator tool, they can upload videos and photos as part of the design. These media files would be embedded in the NFT, making them part of the blockchain record.
  2. Store Media on Decentralized Storage: To truly archive videos and photos, the platform leverages decentralized storage solutions like IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) or Arweave. This ensures that the media files remain accessible and immutable, even if traditional servers go down.
  3. Mint NFTs with Embedded Media: Once the videos and photos are uploaded, the media files can be linked to the NFT during the minting process. This way, the media gets “archived” within the NFT, providing proof of ownership and permanence on the blockchain.
  4. Create Special Archive Collections: “SAC” is a feature that allows users to specifically mint “archive NFTs,” where the focus is on preserving the videos and photos, ensuring they are archived securely while being tradable as NFTs.
  5. Private or Public Access: Users can choose whether the archived videos and photos remain private (only accessible to the owner) or public (viewable by anyone who has the NFT).

By archiving through NFTs, the media gets both preserved and tokenized, providing a secure, decentralized, and monetizable method for storing important moments.

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